Simple inverter 12V - 220V 50Hz


Distinguish this converter is that it gives a full-fledged sinusoidal voltage with a frequency of 50 Hz.

The inverter converts 12 V DC to 220 V AC, frequency 50 Hz. It has a minimum number of components and a small size. The inverter power is determined by the power of its transformer and in my case it lies in the range of 30-50 watts. According to the waveform, the output voltage has a sinusoidal shape.
You can power lamps, laptops, charge cell phones, electric shavers, etc. from the inverter. Since the frequency of the inverter is 50 Hz, you can connect any device with a power consumption of up to 30 watts.
Component List:
  • Transistors:
    1. BC547 - 1 pc. - Aliexpress
    2. 2N6292 - 2 pcs - Aliexpress
  • Resistors:
    1. 15 kOhm - 4 pcs - Aliexpress
    2. 100 kOhm - 1 pc. - Aliexpress
  • Capacitors:
    1. 0.01uF - 1 pc. - Aliexpress
    2. 0.22uF - 1 Piece - Aliexpress
  • IC 555 - 1 pc. - Aliexpress
  • Switches - 1 pc. - Aliexpress
  • Transformer 12-0-12 / 220 - 1 pc. - Aliexpress
  • Development Board - 1 pc. - Aliexpress
  • Heat Sinks - 1 pc. - Aliexpress

Converter circuit

A multivibrator is assembled on the microcircuit, which generates rectangular pulses with a frequency of 50 Hz. The transistor Q1 is inverting, as a result, the output stages on the transistors Q2 and Q3 operate alternately. This circuit is called push-pull. The load of the output stages is a step-up transformer, which converts the voltage to 220 V and generates a sinusoidal signal from rectangular pulses.

Inverter assembly

The inverter is assembled on a breadboard. Elements are inserted and sealed at the bottom by jumpers. The output stage transistors are mounted on small heat sinks.

With proper assembly and serviceable components, the converter starts working immediately and does not need to be configured. The circuit is simple, does not contain complex electronics and has proven itself well.
The inverter works well with a car battery. Actually, for the car, I did this inverter.



Watch the video: how to make simple inverter 12V To 220V. PCB + Circuit. 50HZ (January 2025).