The secrets of cooking real pasties


Dishes of the peoples of the Caucasus have taken a special place in our diet. Delicious and healthy food has never been divided by borders, politics and other phenomena of reality. We have always been happy to cook Georgian khinkali, Azerbaijani shah-pilaf or Armenian samsa. And today we will delight our family with delicious pasties with a thin crispy crust, a delicate and juicy filling, a unique aroma inherent in all Caucasian dishes.


  • meat (beef, lamb or pork) - 500 g;
  • large onion;
  • sifted flour - up to 700 g;
  • oil (olive or vegetable) - up to 400 g;
  • salt - a dessert spoon;
  • we select the amount of herbs and spices to taste.

Cooking Chebureks

1. There are two ways to get the filling for chebureks. The meat washed, freed from the films and tendons, we get in the form of chopped product (finely chopped with a sharp knife) or chopped in a home processor. The first method is the classic, typical for Caucasian cuisine, the second way we facilitate our work.

2. So, chop the onion into thin strips, put it in the minced meat, add salt, chopped herbs, pepper and other favorite spices, a quarter cup of bottled water or the finished broth. Mix the composition thoroughly, cover with a plate.

3. Next, proceed to the test. Chebureks do not need any culinary tricks. Everything is very simple and affordable! In a large tea mug, we dilute 80 g of fresh vegetable oil.
4. Sift into a basin up to 500 g of flour, stir it with the right amount of salt, add the aqueous composition, connect all the components with a spoon. While we are doing this, the products have become less hot, so we continue to knead the dough on the table. We work with our hands, gradually pour the necessary amount of flour, after about ten minutes we get a very tight, but elastic ball. Lightly grease it with oil, cover with a clean cloth or film, leave for an hour for a little "rest".

5. We proceed to the formation of our wonderful chebureks. I offer a choice of two ways to get the so-called shell for the filling. In the first case, we roll out a very thin layer, with the help of a flat plate we cut out circles. Second trick: make a long “sausage”, separate small pieces from it, then repeat the previous steps.

6. So, put some minced meat on the cake, spread it with a thin layer, cover it with the free part of the round layer, press the ends of the formed product tightly. For beauty, as well as for the purpose of better connection of the dough, we gently press the edges of the semicircle with the fork teeth. In this way we use all the components of pasties.
7. Pour oil into the pan so that our products practically float in it. Heat the fat to a hot state. When we observe the appearance of a small haze, we lay out two products. Immediately pour the upper part of chebureks with hot composition, fry until a light brown crust forms, we expect the same effect on the other side of the product. After each new serving, be sure to add a little oil.

8. We do not need excess fat, so we put the finished food on paper napkins, after a few seconds we place the products on a beautiful plate.

The aroma of luxurious pasties with a thin crispy crust and incredibly juicy meat filling filled the entire room. We serve delicious dishes with hot drinks, broth, ayran, spicy lactic acid sauce. A complete set of the most delicious and healthy food!


Watch the video: British Cook - Cornish Pasty Recipe - REAL Locals Baking Recipe TOP SECRET (October 2024).