Children's furniture - highchair


The child grows, new needs appear: a highchair, for example. It turned out that in the store a quality thing costs at least 4000 rubles. And safety is the most important thing.
1. 10 mm Birch plywood, sold in sheets of 1.5 m * 1.5 of about 300 p. It will take one sheet, of course, not stratified;
2. Furniture corner 15 * 15 - pieces 20. Various variants of the corner are possible;
3. Furniture screw - 9mm - pieces 40. The choice is large, maybe that will please;
4. Stain or furniture varnish - the nuances of the choice of the master;

• Pencil, square, tape measure;
• A jigsaw or a good hacksaw is an important and obvious factor;
• A screwdriver or a screwdriver - there would be a desire to twist;
• Coarse sandpaper. It will take quite a bit;

Do-it-yourself stool making is based on a simple algorithm:
1. We select the sizes and shapes individually for your child, as well as taking into account the existing tool, and depict the scale on paper, and then transfer to plywood. The same or mirror parts are recommended to be drawn, circling the first;
2. Sawing is the most complex and lengthy process. Here you will most likely regret that you did not ask your friend a jigsaw, although it all depends on the complexity of the shapes. The sawn edges are then processed with sandpaper;
3. Assembling our designer will take much less time if you use, for example, a drill, in the absence of a screwdriver. And the generous operation of the corners will give the product extra strength. It is important to prevent the constriction of screws in order to avoid the loss of their semantic load;

4. Having varnished a stool, for example, “mahogany”, we obtain a reliable, attractive and inexpensive piece of furniture. By the way, the amount of costs did not exceed 600 rubles.
