Lazy Dumplings


This dish is not only very tasty, but also very healthy. If you play sports, then you must include these dumplings in your diet, a high protein and low fat content is what you need.
Lazy dumplings are great for breakfast and prepare (if you take them out of the freezer) in a matter of minutes, so you won’t be late for your work, study or business, and you are guaranteed to feel good from a wonderful breakfast.
Take in two servings:
250 g of cottage cheese.
1 egg
3-4 full tablespoons of flour +1 spoon for sprinkling.
Sugar and salt to taste.

If you take homemade cottage cheese, then pass it through a sieve or through a meat grinder to give it homogeneity, with cottage cheese from a pack you can cook immediately, without sifting.
Combine cottage cheese, flour, egg, salt and sugar. Mash the entire contents of the pulper to a homogeneous consistency.

Roll the resulting dough into small sausages. Cut these sausages into cubes, balls or any other shape you like.

We throw our dumplings into boiling salted water. Bring to a boil and wait until the dumplings come up. After which we wait 1-2 minutes and take out the treat with a slotted spoon.

Spread on a plate.

You can add butter, berry jam, honey. I usually add a slice of butter and sprinkle with sugar.

Self made dumplings turned out to be very tasty and nutritious. Bon Appetit.
