How to unscrew an eccentric mixer


Anyone who has ever changed the faucet in the bathroom from strictly to a new one must have encountered a problem: how to unscrew the eccentric of the mixer and replace it with another. The thing is certainly not tricky, take it and twist it, but with the wrong approach, especially without proper experience, there is a high probability of breaking something. And to avoid this, I will show how to do it competently.

Eccentric adapters shifted do not always have faces with an adjustable wrench. In my case, the neck of the adapter is smooth.
But even if you have turnkey faces on the eccentric, don’t think that this method will not be useful to you, since these faces blend very well and the key turns.

For many years, threaded connections stick well to each other, especially in hot water, and it just won’t work out.

Unscrew the eccentric mixer

In all the eccentrics inside the hole is not round, I am rectangular. Which is intended for a special tool. Of course I don’t have one, and you definitely won’t have it.

Therefore, we need two adjustable wrenches.
We insert one into the rectangular hole with the fixed sponge of the key in the groove. Everything should fit tightly. Next, rotate the worm so that its movable sponge is pulled. The result should be a reliable hook.

We take the second adjustable wrench and adjust it to the width of the first key. We dress his second key on the first to create a lever for rotation.

If you do everything right, then there will be no unnecessary rolling or beating.

Then, holding both keys, we turn the connection with effort. The eccentric must give in and get out.

As a result, the connection should be sorted out.

This method saved me more than once, so I recommend taking this method into service.
Of course, you can change the faucet and leave the clowns from the old, but the fact is that they do not always fit. Therefore, sometimes you have to strain yourself.
Bye everyone!


Watch the video: How to change a shower bar valve. Shower mixer install & replace! (January 2025).